Anganile Thomson Mwakyanjala Co-Founder-WITO |
You can read about in the HURU page in this blog
my contacts +255 715 514 602
Nancy Lazaro Mwaisaka Co-Founder- WITO |
After a visit to Mbeya her home town and being invited to one orphanage caring for the disabled children, Nancy was so moved and she felt its upon her to do something that will bring smiles to children of Tanzania, but the right moment came when she met a Children documentary film maker and children’s rights activist and together they formed WITO a non profit local organization that is uses media to disseminate children’s plight in Tanzania and through their advocacy they encourage all children’s rights stakeholder to play their part in making their lives better, and to prove that it does not take millions of cash but love to reach out to the children Nancy organized a visit to an orphanage and shared hope and school materials to the children at the center, this being one of the many projects that will reach out to Tanzanian children. When she is not working she finds time once a month to perform at the poetry festive where she and other young citizens of the world meet and share the passion of tongue twisting, word play and pouring out the feelings through words some of her poems can be found in her blogsite, besides that Nancy is a recording artist currently she has a single produced and working on other several songs that will also speak of children rights. Being an African she is strongly in tune with her traditional songs and dances, she finds pleasure and joy in dancing and she is currently a member at a dancing club with other members of her church.
Women empowerment is on the rise in Tanzania and Nancy is no exceptional at her young age she is pursuing a masters in international Trade at the University of Dar es salaam and her dream is to be a professor at the age of 30 and her journey towards that is on going, recently she had an opportunity to visit the United Sates Embassy and participate in a discussion on how Tanzania can in the future benefit trading with the world superpower. It is clear for this young girl to reach where she is right now and also forging her way forward she must have had a lot of role models to look up to and in realizing what strong role models have in young people’s lives she is currently writing a book that will have testimonies and advices from influential people in Tanzania and Africa in general that will aim at inspiring young generation.
Being a founding member of WITO Nancy has in the pipeline a number of projects in the near future one being Watoto ni thamani “Every child is precious” the Media campaign project is at the paper work stage and will soon be launched. you can find more about Nancy in her blogspot, in this blog apart from her poems, she has poems from respected poets across the world, inspiring stories from underdogs who later on moved the world, and much more articles and stories that are meant to encourage and inspire young people to take hold of their dreams and destiny for she clearly has.
Beyond the horizon thinking